Trading Analysis
TEL’s risk gauge score translates to a moderate risk investment at the moment. Portfolio managers who heavily weigh risk assessment will find this gauge more relevant when attempting to avoid (or discover) more risky investments.
Telcoin is 18.41% lower as of the last 24 hours of trading, resulting in its current price of $0.006277800. The price movement has coincided with volume being below its average level and the token’s market capitalization risen. The market capitalization for the token now sits at $372,421,581.06 while $9,365,765.89 worth of the crypto has been exchanged over the past 24 hours. The price movement relative to the changes in volume and market cap recently, gives TEL an average risk assessment.
Recent price movement of TEL gives the cryptocurrency an average risk score due to past 24 hours of price volatility in relation to volume changes, giving traders reason to be not overly concerned on the token’s manipulability at the moment.
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